We are so excited that you are interested in becoming a member of Waypoint Church! The steps to do so are as follows:


Attend a Vision & Values Breakfast

If you are new (or new-ish) to Waypoint, the first step to membership is attending one of our Vision & Values Breakfasts. You will have the opportunity to meet our staff and hear more about the church’s history, vision, story and mission.

Vision & Values Breakfasts happen the first Sunday of every month at 9:00 am.


Watch the Membership Videos

You will need to watch each of the videos linked below before attending one of our Membership Classes:

Video One – We value slowing down to be with Jesus

Video Two – We value being sons and daughters of God

Video Three – We value listening to and obeying God

Video Four – We value the church and her role in the world

Video Five – We value everyone’s calling to live on mission

Video Six – We value discipleship

Video Seven – We value healthy community

Video Eight – Church Membership


Attend a membership class

The final step to becoming a member at Waypoint is to attend a Membership Class. As part of this class you will:

1. Be given a Membership Handbook.

2. Be asked to sign and submit a Membership Application.

3. Once this application is reviewed and approved by our Board you will receive a Membership Letter signed by the Board of Directors.


Check the church calendar to see if there is an upcoming membership class:

If you don’t see an active class, keep checking the calendar or check our email newsletter and announcements for the next class.